Offered specifically for Down Under addresses ..
Email us at dnsrsems@aol.com with either AU or NZ in subject line
and we will send you invoice for payment..challenge coin, pin, decal and morale patch. ...in the email include you mailing address and P#..
This is for info only no orders will be honored using this site..
shipping is flat rate of $21...all prices in USD...
We will be offering this as a special to those down under for purchase and will be specifically separate from the store offering...... the store does not honor international shipping..
There is zero inventory on any items offered so no confusion for anyone visiting the store and seeing this..it is a way to offer to you as a separate offering...
Coins are 1.75" in diameter..lapel pins are 1.25" diameter with double clasp back..we include 2 rubber clasp backs with the pin..
To offset the increased pricing for shipping and the wait you will have for arrival we are including extra gifts as weight allows..that will include a morale patch of the choice in coin design , a fridge magnet or a 12oz drink koozie wrap as supplies allow..
Morale patch is a velcro backed patch approx 3" in dimeter..
There are assorted decals for AU and NZ that we had produced some years ago..the designs are not the same as the lapel pins and coins produced this year..